Tag: beige

A short history of phones. From Past Tense to HuaweiMate10Pro

A short history of phones. From Past Tense to HuaweiMate10Pro

The candlestick phone “Despite the arguments about who actually invented the telephone, it has been an area of tremendous scientific advancement over the past century. Telephone communications–little more than a hobby in 19th century–evolved so that by the 1920s many advancements had started to be made that allowed this revolutionary […]

Snow elegance

Snow elegance

I will start with a note: I can’t believe that i did that make-up all by myself. Not that i’ve reminded you about the Celine Dion’s song ” All by myself”, i have to tell you that earlier today…while i was listening to a vinyl disc on my pick-up…i started […]

Beige – ceva de lux!

Beige – ceva de lux!

Nu exista sezon in care beige-ul sa nu-si gaseasca un loc in garderoba ta. De fapt, nu am avut ocazia sa cunosc vreo femeie care sa nu aiba ceva beige in dulapul ei. Si credeti-ma, la liceu am avut 24 de fete in clasa si in facultate aveam 2 baieti […]

Domnisoara Hannami

Domnisoara Hannami

Acum o luna…in ajunul zilei mele de nastere, mi-a fost promisa o zi de rasfat din cap pana-n picioare. Sincera sa fiu, in acel moment era singurul lucru de care as fi avut nevoie…dupa vreo 2 luni de creatie, munca si alergatura pentru noua colectie, parea o ILUZIE ca voi […]

PFW day 5  –  Apples , brocarde & 70’s

PFW day 5 – Apples , brocarde & 70’s

It was a pleasure to meet again my parisian friend Theo Martin after the McQueen show. We decided just to have a walk on the streets of Paris, while fooling around in front of the Camera, smoking and sharing fashion dreams. That’s all…folks! Love, Gabriela I was wearing: My own […]